What This Next Election is Really About

There is much to-do about the Kamal Harris-Tim Walz ticket and the Donald Trump-J.D. Vance ticket as we look forward to this next election, but there is a greater dynamic at play than these four personalities. There is the governing philosophy they represent. There has never been such a difference between the two political parties, even considering the time when their differences sparked a Civil War.

The Democrat Party advances the idea that government has the solution to all our problems. Very much like a typical business enterprise, they seek to grow “the business of government” by growing their customer base to increase their ability to exert power. They offer the promise of security, but fail to tell you that the cost will be freedom. It is, as Ben Franklin taught us, those who would give up liberty for security will deserve neither. The logical end of that governing philosophy will be total government control for the empty promise of total security. History calls that communism. A study of world history teaches us that the result is  a society where a few elite become very wealthy while the masses endure poverty–equally!  If there was ever any question about this being the Democrat driving force, all one has to do is to look at Kamala’s Vice President pick-an avowed Socialist with a demonstrated allegiance to the Chinese Communist  Party.

On the other hand, the Republican Party recognizes that, as Ronald Reagan told us, government doesn’t fix the problem; government is the problem. The Republican philosophy of government promotes increased liberty and minimal government control. Thomas Jefferson told us that,

“…a wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them free otherwise to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.”

In other words, the Republican governing philosophy is to promote and safeguard the freedom for citizens to fulfill their potential and achieve their highest goals with protection from the government, but not control. This is Capitalism.

In all fairness, both governing philosophies lead to failure when corruption runs rampant. The strong will always take advantage of the weak, and that is why the best system, the one that has produced the greatest, most prosperous and most free society in world history is Capitalism when practiced by people with a Judeo-Christian ethic, people who will do to others only as they would have them do to them, and will have a sense of obligation to take care of the poor and needy, and the less advantaged.

And so, it is not enough to advocate for Capitalism, if we do not also advocate for a Biblical worldview that puts all on trial for how we relate to one another. Our national mottos, “In God We Trust,” and “One Nation Under God” must become, once again, the north star of our public policy debates and actions. That is how we make “America Great Again.”

If America chooses the Democrat platform we will see the end of prosperity and liberty. If America chooses the Republican platform, that will provide the opportunity to continue to build that “more perfect union.” Be informed; vote your conscience. Know what’s at stake.

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