What President Obama’s Endorsement of Same Sex Marriage Tell Us

President Obama’s public statement affirming his endorsement of same-sex marriage reveals quite a number of things about him that should disqualify him from re-election in the minds of any reasonable and intelligent American.

First he said he has “evolved” to this position. This indicate he is not a man of principle but rather “goes with the flow.” In other words, he is like a reed in the wind. Whichever way the people lead him he will eventually go. That is not leadership, but rather followership.
One doesn’t “evolve” to a lower position. Evolution suggests development, not degradation. Same-sex marriage can only be seen as evolution if one is looking through the wrong end of the historical telescope. “Marriage” defined as the union of a male and a female was brought into the world by the Jewish law, bringing civilization to the earth. Obama would have us devolve to a pre-civilization state. That’s not leadership “forward,” but rather backward.

Secondly he said it’s a “generational” thing, indicating that he learned much from his children. I thought it was up to the parents to teach the children right from wrong, not the other way around.

He went on to say that he was influenced by his family and friends, but he neglected to address the millions of Americans of more than thirty states that have codified marriage in state law as the union of a man and a woman. He’s not considering their view. This indicates that rather than being a President of the people, he is President of a special interest group trying to impose their morality on the rest of the nation that is still anchored in a Judeo-Christian standard of morality, which he apparently holds no allegiance to.

This will strengthen our resolve to do all we can to preserve a peaceful, prosperous, and a developing society for our children. President Obama is continuing to polarize the nation and assuming wrongly that the nation will follow.
This is not about “civil rights” or “marriage equality.” Everyone has the equal right to marriage, but no one has the right to redefine the word to suit their standard of immorality.

Marriage is a non-negotiable issue second only to the life issue. We will fight for those values that have preserved our nation: our peace, our prosperity and our liberty, and we will do all we can to elect men and women who will lead us in the “right” way.

Local Meeting with Colin Schmitt

We continue to demonstrate a mutual interest in keeping God as the head of our lives as well as our government and as we continue to meet it demonstrates physically that commitment to God.

This month we had the privilege to have Colin Schmitt a local politician who is running for office in the New York State Assembly. He shared with us his desire to make a difference in Albany and answered questions the audience had regarding his position on several topics.

We are thankful for Mr. Schmitt’s time and welcome any politician to join us.


Don’t Forget

Next meeting will be on April 15th, 7-9PM. See you there!

Religious Liberties Rally

On Friday, March 23, 2012 the Orange County Right To Life team sponsored a rally of concerned citizens gathered at the Orange County Government Center in Goshen, NY to stand for religious liberties in light of the looming threat presented by Obamacare.  Rev. Banuchi followed several other speakers, then closed the meeting in prayer.

The video is about ten minutes long and includes valuable information that every believer must understand.


Legislative Day 2012 Update

We had a nice group represent us in Albany for Legislative Day with several local representatives speaking about issues that mattered to us.  Guest speaker Alex Kendrick spoke with both passion and conviction to both the congregations & pastors (leaders) in the audience.

Several issues were discussed and those issues can be found listed here, Legislative Watch!  You can contact your local representative about these issues and we encourage you to do just that.

“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” – Edmund Burke

There was an audience poll that took place for the primary candidates and here were the results:

Local Meeting Updates

We currently have 13 people going up to Albany on Tuesday March 20th. (We just received word that J.C. Watts, former Congressman from Oklahoma has been added to the speaker’s list!)

You can still register to come, Register Today!

We had an excellent meeting on Sunday, and for those of you who missed it we saw a short video clip by retired Lt. Colonel Boykin warning us about current trends toward Marxism. You can view it here:

Local Issue: Town of Newburgh: We’re still working to put a moratorium on the building of a large strip club on Route 9W. Residents of the town are encouraged to sign a petition and get involved with the effort.

Go to: http://tinyurl.com/betternewburghpetition.