Listen to the message Rev. Banuchi shared with the Body of Christ before the 2012 elections. Sermon and songs were recorded live at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church on Nov. 2, 2012.
Nov 07
I Had a Dream
I had a dream last night after I went to bed having heard that President Obama is the likely winner of the elections. I dreamed that I was watching a seedy looking old man giving lollipops to a little girl, luring her into a room where I knew he was about to abuse her, but for some reason –I think there was a pane of glass in front of me–I couldn’t stop it.
I woke up realizing that the dream was about the way I saw the election. The President lured the masses with lollipop promises, and America will be ravaged.
But unlike the dream, I can do something. I don’t have to sit idly by watching the country I love get raped of its goodness—I will not sit idly by!
God, in His infinite wisdom, chose to withhold His grace from us, and he has given us what we asked for. We need not be ignorant of future events. The historical record shows us that when Israel wanted a king to be like the other nations around them, God granted their request, but warned them that if they chose a king, that king would redistribute their wealth to those of his choosing. He warned them that ultimately, they would become enslaved, (1 Samuel 8:6-22). By the eighth century B.C. Israel was taken into captivity by the Assyrians. There was no more freedom—there was no more Israel! If God did not spare Israel—His chosen people—why should we think he would spare us?
The little girl in my dream was America. I will not let her become ravaged, but I will do all I can to see a revival of the presence of God, and of those Christian principles that have produced the greatest nation the world has ever known, for the benefit of my grandchildren and for His glory.
Nov 01
There is no legitimate reason for clergy to remain silent at such a critical time in our nation’s history. IRS rules not withstanding, we must encourage Americans to vote for Romney for president and Wendy Long for U.S. Senate. In local races we must choose candidates who support three non-negotiable issues: the sanctity of life, the preservation of authentic marriage and religious freedoms (threatened by Obamacare). Candidates for Congress such as Nan Hayworth best represent those values. On a State level we must support people like Christine Bello running against a pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage Skartados for NY Assembly. In Dutchess County we have people like Neil DiCarlo and David Byrne who deserve the Christian vote. The clergy must speak out. Don’t be muzzled by an unconstitutional rule. James Garfield, 20th President of the U.S. and an ordained minister told us,
“The people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities.”
We must demand these qualities, and be willing to put our names to it!
Aug 23
Come Out!
I just read an article reporting that a black bishop from Virginia is calling for an “exodus” from the Democratic Party of those who call themselves Christians, particularly Black Christians. (The bishop objects to the label “African-American.” He says he is an American who happens to be black.) Bishop E.W. Jackson Sr. from Exodus Faith Ministries in Chesapeake, Virginia. says the Democratic Party is practicing a “cult-like devotion” to abortion, and has become the “anti-Christian Party,” as demonstrated by their rejection of biblical values, most notably, the inclusion of same-sex marriage in the Democratic Party platform.
No longer can the two labels be claimed with any sense of intellectual honesty. You can’t be a Christian and a Democrat now that the two are diametrically opposed. Christianity is for protecting life; the Democratic platform is for taking life through abortion. Christianity is about upholding God’s order for marriage and family; the Democratic Party is for redefining marriage and sanctioning homosexuality.
We need more Christian leaders who will teach and preach the truths of God’s intention for our nation. I therefore whole-heartedly add my Hispanic voice to my Black brother’s in saying, “Come out from among them!”
Aug 15
Now that we know who the Republican candidates will be, Mitt Romney, a Mormon, and Paul Ryan, a Roman Catholic, I’m often posed the question, “Should I, as a Christian, vote for a Mormon and a Catholic?”
First of all, the question presumes neither one is a Christian. Roman Catholic doctrine subscribes to the Apostle’s Creed, the unifying creed for all expressions of Christianity. Whether or not one is, in fact, a Christian comes down to their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If they claim Him to be their personal Lord and Savior, and live to please Him, they are in the family. Many Roman Catholics do have a personal relationship with Christ, and are Christians. Mormonism is another issue.
But let’s look to the word of God as our authority for faith and practice to see how we should decide whether or not to vote for a Mormon and a Catholic. Does the Bible say we must vote for a Christian? If not, how should we vote? The first evidence we have concerning choosing godly leaders is in the book of Exodus. Moses was trying to rule the nation of Israel all by himself. Jethro, his father-in-law, told him to delegate to others, stipulating these requirements:
“But select capable men from all the people–men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain–and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.” –Exodus 18:20-21 (NIV)
And later God speaks through King David telling us,“The God of Israel said, The Rock of Israel spoke to me: ‘He who rules over men must be just, Ruling in the fear of God.’“–2 Samuel 23:3 (NKJV)
So, we see here that the fundamental requirement is to rule “in the fear of God.” The New Testament, particularly in Paul’s Epistles, further develops and adds detail to this requirement, but suffice it to say that God’s requirements for civic leaders calls for men (or women) who submit to God and His laws, whether they call themselves Christian or not.
Jesus tells of a father who had two sons. He asked one to go to the field to work. He said he would go but never went. The other son said he wouldn’t go, but then changed his mind and went. Jesus poses the question, “Which one did the father approve of?” (Matthew 12:28) Of course, the father approved of the one whose actions—not words—were worthy.
President Obama claims to be a Christian, but his actions illustrate otherwise. Romney and Ryan have a history of standing up for Biblical standards like the sanctity of life and traditional marriage. Their actions have demonstrated that they are men who are more likely to rule “in the fear of the Lord.” Therefore, regardless of religious labels—remember, we’re choosing civic leaders, not pastors—we should vote for the man or women who is more likely to rule, “in the fear of the Lord.” In this case, that would be Romney and Ryan.
“…it is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God,” –Abraham Lincoln
Jul 20
I recently attended a “Meet The Candidate” event, and given the opportunity to ask questions, I asked, “What do you think of our national motto, and how would that impact—if at all—your governing philosophy?”
Well, talk about a deer caught in the headlights! The candidate running for U.S. Congress on the Democratic ticket had absolutely no clue. With a puzzled look he asked, “What do you mean?” So I asked him, point-blank, “Do you know what it is?” Still, no response. I finally said, “It is ‘In God We Trust.’” “Oh yes,” he said, “I didn’t understand the context of your question.”
Yeah, right? Then he said he believes in God but wouldn’t impose his religion on others. In other words, our national motto means absolutely nothing when it comes to his governing philosophy.
If this is the caliber of candidates we have running for national office we are in serious trouble. A candidate should at least understand the basics of our republican form of government and some simple details like our national motto. If they don’t know those basics, don’t even call yourself an American, no less run for office.