The Outside-The-Box Strategy for Republicans

Democrats are ecstatic over their expectation of an easy win for Hillary Clinton to continue the fundamental transformation to Socialism advanced by the Obama administration. The polls indicate Republicans have no one to compete with Hillary, and given the present schism among Republicans, between conservatives and moderates, Hillary may not have to work very hard. Is there any way, then, for Republicans to win in 2016 to reset this nation’s systems and institutions to look more like the America we once knew? I believe there is, but you won’t hear about it on T.V. or even talk radio. In fact, it’s so far “outside-the-box” that most politicians would be afraid to even think it. Ironically, it’s as plain as the Motto on our coins, “In God We Trust.” That must become the rallying cry for unity to bring Americans together once again to defeat the powers of godless Socialism. Let’s take a lesson from our history.



Preaching Liberty in Liberty


Bill Preaching in Liberty On Saturday (Aug 3rd) Bill brought the Word of the Lord to Liberty NY to declare that we are still One Nation Under God. At this day-long Gospel Fest Bill was joined by men from Teen Challenge, Albany, and other churches and ministries from the area. A special guest and speaker was Roy Costner, the young man from “Liberty”, South Carolina who made headlines when he led his high school graduating class in the Lord’s Prayer during his valedictorian speech. Liberty, South Carolina connected with Liberty, New York in a spiritually significant way. The event was put on by Lighthouse Ministries of Liberty, led by pastors Kathie & Rich Ienuso who are impacting their community to see true revival come to Sullivan County.Bill will be back in Liberty preaching at Liberty Free Methodist Church on Sunday, August 25th.

About Weiner’s Candidacy

The fact that Anthony Weiner is even considered as a viable candidate for New York City mayor is a clear indictment of the moral decay of the general population of the city. Under our system  government at every elected level is a government “of the people,” therefore those in office are a reflection of the population. By this standard it’s clear we are living in a perverted generation. Weiner is an example of the general condition of the populace. Those who would vote for him have no concern for virtue or morality. I would venture to say that the word, “virtue” is probably not even part of their vocabulary. What President Garfield told us about Congress is true about government leaders at every level:

“The people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities.”

Let’s pray that New York City residents still have enough virtue in their mindset to reject an immoral pervert, because whoever the Mayor is, he will reflect the character of New Yorkers.


The first thought that struck me, even as I sat down to write this article, is the fact that my first impulse was to title this piece “The Trayvon Martin verdict.” It’s interesting how the media has so effectively communicated the idea that this trial was primarily about Trayvon Martin. It wasn’t. It was about the guilt or innocence of George Zimmerman. Trayvon Martin was the individual who was killed, and this naturally calls for our compassion and sympathy, but the trial wasn’t about him. It wasn’t about “avenging” his death. It was about ascertaining the guilt or innocence of George Zimmerman. I was encouraged when the jury came down with a “not guilty” verdict. I was encouraged because I saw that there is still some semblance of objective justice in some corners of our nation. The jurors didn’t give in to mob pressure. They ruled according to the evidence and the law. It was clear. The first act of violence came from the deceased. Mr. Zimmerman acted clearly in self-defense. This encounter was the very reason Mr. Zimmerman and other law-abiding citizens appreciate their Constitutional right to bear arms. While he was being assaulted, and pummeled on the ground, he had no choice but to use his weapon for the very purpose it was carried—to defend himself against an attacker. Had he not fired in self-defense it is likely that Trayvon Martin may have used the gun against him, particularly since Trayvon expressed that intention when he told Mr. Zimmerman, “Tonight you die.” In which case, Mr. Zimmerman would have been the deceased.

It’s tragic that this young man had violence in his heart against Mr. Zimmerman, and the expression of that violence is what ultimately caused his own death.

Those who are now demonstrating and demanding “Justice for Trayvon” are simply using this tragedy to fuel the fires of division and racial tension. The race hucksters, particularly those in positions of leadership have found another worthy cause to advance their racial agendas.

As “people of the book” however, we shouldn’t be surprised at the ginned up mobs that yell “Crucify Him, Crucify Him.”  We’ve seen that before. Human nature hasn’t changed. As a nation, however, we must never give in to the rule of “mobocracy.” We must continue to stand for “blind” justice under the rule of law.


There are those who believe The United States of America never was an exceptional country, and they act in ways that are consistent with that un-exceptionalism, thus contributing to self-fulfilling prophecy, because those individuals happen to be in places of national and state leadership. Let me explain.

When the Attorney General of our nation, or a state, can choose which laws they will enforce, and which they will not, we are no longer a nation ruled by law—one of the traits that have made us exceptional on the world stage. We are, instead, ruled by people where “might makes right.” This is standard operating procedure for un-exceptional third world countries, not a Constitutional Republic for which we have set the gold standard, at least until now.

Eric Holder’s choice not to defend the federal Defense of Marriage Act, and the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision signaling that they will not challenge states redefinition of marriage gave permission to the Attorney General of Pennsylvania, Kathleen Kane to choose not to defend Pennsylvania’s ban on same-sex marriage which is the law. This is not about “prosecutorial discretion.” It’s about refusing to uphold the Constitutions and the laws of the state and nation. In effect, the law becomes whatever those in power say it is. The King is the Law. Isn’t that what we supposedly “progressed” from in the sixteenth century? Whatever happened to “Lex Rex,” the Law is King?

If we continue down this path not only will we continue to regress legally, but we will also regress socially and culturally. Authentic marriage was a step up in world civilization that contributed to order, peace and prosperity of nations. When it is abandoned, even in the name of “progress,” it actually moves us backward. When those in power can choose which laws to defend, our legal system also takes a step backward.

World history is replete with accounts of tyrants who started out by changing laws unilaterally. God forbid we abandon the rule of law, or we will surely be exceptional no more.


The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision legitimizing the idea of considering same-sex marriage to be within the scope of civil liberties will have unintended consequences that very few could even imagine. In fact, I believe the seeds for another war between the states have just been sown. Let me explain.

Those who ascribe to the idea that we are “One Nation Under God” believe that there are some basic, fundamental principles established by God that can never be negotiated away;  three in particular are expressed in the Manhattan Declaration: the Sanctity of Life, the historical definition of Marriage, and Religious Liberties.

The history of the United States has been, until recently, the history of achieving a more perfect union by improving our institutions and standards to provide greater opportunities for everyone.  All our advances for equality have been initiated by people of faith motivated by their understanding of God’s will as reflected in the Bible.  Abolition of Slavery, Women’s Suffrage, the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s, these were all fueled by the Biblical understanding of God’s plan for a peaceful and orderly society. Though all these initiatives experienced resistance at their outset, they were eventually assimilated into our culture and now seen as legitimate progressive steps in our journey toward that “more perfect union,” because they were consistent with Biblical ideals and also reflected in natural law.

There have been some missteps along the way. The Dred Scott decision of 1857 which dehumanized blacks, declaring slaves to be “property” not entitled to citizenship or recognition as human beings, launched a long Civil Rights struggle that led to the eventual overturning  of that decision,  because the Bible clearly establishes the equality of all regardless of skin color. As the electorate became more educated concerning this issue it eventually absorbed this “truth” into the fabric of our culture though we paid a great price in blood and treasure, coming close to committing national suicide in our first War Between the States, in which we lost more than 500,000 citizens.

The Roe. V. Wade decision of 1972 likewise spawned a “pro-life” movement led, again, by the Church, because the Bible, and natural law clearly speaks to the sanctity of every human life, and the need to protect the most defenseless among us. As society has become educated on this issue popular opinion has been steadily becoming more “pro-life.” As the U.S. Supreme Court reflects culture, it will eventually overturn another “bad” decision, this time at a cost of the lives of more than 50 million babies.

Now the U.S. Supreme Court has, in effect, given the green light for homosexual rights groups to pursue a universal redefinition of marriage. As they attempt to impose their morality on America, some “progressive” states will acquiesce to their sense of equality based on the religious view of Secular Humanism that declares that there is no higher standard of morality than that which is established by human reasoning. States whose people and institutions still subscribe to the Judeo-Christian standard of morality will never acquiesce to an imposed anti-biblical standard of morality, even if imposed by the U.S. Supreme Court or federal regulatory authorities.

What will make this conflict different than the abortion issue is that no American is being compelled by law to abort a baby, however the same-sex marriage movement is moving toward compelling Americans to recognize homosexual unions as a legitimate moral union, even calling it “marriage”. This will present a clear conflict where people of faith will have to choose to obey God rather than man. State governments that recognize that “It is the duty of nations as well as of men to acknowledge their dependence upon the overruling power of God”  will never bow down to dictates contrary to the standards set by God. One of the mottos from our first war for independence  “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God” will ring out once again.

I can foresee the day when  people of faith will begin to move toward “faith-friendly” states while humanists will continue to build power in their “progressive” states, thus polarizing the country even more than it has been polarized by the current left and right ideologies, until there will be two standards of morality. This will prove to be untenable in these “United” States of America. We will be, in effect,  as one writer called it, “The Divided States of America.”

There are certain truths that must be agreed upon by all Americans if we are to continue to live with the peace and prosperity that we have known since our founding. The most fundamental truth is that our rights come to us not from the generosity of the state but by the hand of God. Yes, we can debate the meaning of those rights in our various state and federal legislatures, but we must never depart from the laws of nature and nature’s God, or we will surely experience civil discord, chaos, and yes, possibly even war.

Either we will be one nation under God, or many nations under man. Let us pray for the former to avert the conflict and chaos that will result from the latter. Let the seeds sown by the U.S Supreme Court not sprout a harvest of discord and strife, and yes, possibly war between the states. Let us pray and continue to work toward realizing that more perfect union—One Nation Under God.