What Does the Obamacare Mess Teach Us?

The Obamacare mess tells us that this administration is both grossly incompetent and grossly deceitful. Obama is showing himself to be a snake oil salesman intent on controlling the populace at any cost. He not only continually lies to the American people, but then he lies about lying! It’s apparent he lives in a fantasy world of his own making where he can do no wrong. In his mind the facts must be subordinate to his fantasy. His words are more connected to his fantasy than they are to truth. He is the classic “con-man.”
Even if the Obamacare website is fixed, that only represents the surface veneer of the plan. The best they can do is to give it the appearance of functionality, but once you go beneath the surface it will be a bundle of chaos that will destroy the best health care system in the world. If they demonstrated such incompetence on that which is plainly visible to the public can you imagine how bad that which is below the surface will be?
It must be repealed, and the money that was spent needs to be returned to the American taxpayer. Obama succeeded in redistributing wealth, not to the poor, but to his cronies. In that he was successful. We need to take whatever legal action we can to recover money spent on incompetence and fraud. I wonder how much Obama’s net worth has gained in these years. Let’s begin calling for him to return whatever he has gained from his con game, then let’s go after his friends, and recover whatever we can.
The specific charge is malfeasance. There can be no better example of malfeasance than Obamacare.


Please note: This Sunday’s 2nd Sunday meeting has been cancelled. We will resume on the 2nd Sunday of December. Check this website for ongoing details.

So Help Me Who?

The U.S. Air Force Academy’s decision to make the solemnization of their oath with the phrase “so help me God” optional is yet one more victory for those looking to transform America into something other than what we have been—One Nation Under God.
The phrase, “so help me God” was added to the oath in the aftermath of an alleged cheating scandal, so now just because the Freedom from Religion Foundation finds this a vulnerable target, the leaders at the Academy throw their hands up in surrender. Sorry, that’s not leadership.

Our founders understood that honor begins with an acknowledgement of God and in the belief of eternal rewards and punishment. Without that fundamental belief, man simply cannot be trusted because of his flawed human nature that tends toward self- interests. Who will they turn to for help when tempted? Each other? That’s what caused the cheating scandal in the first place.

The first principle of American leadership is, in fact, a personal belief in God.
Supreme Commander of Allied Forces and 34th President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower told us in 1953

“Without God there could be no American form of government, nor an American way of life. Recognition of the Supreme Being is the first –the most basic- expression of Americanism”

Every time recognition of God is removed from the hearts and minds of Americans we move one step further away from His favor, and from the blessings of liberty.
It’s time to reverse the trend. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!”


And Governor Christie wimpishly throws his hands up in surrender.
Governor Christie of New Jersey just dropped his appeal of a court ruling that allows gay marriage in his state removing any obstacles to redefining marriage, and in effect, destroying the institution in yet another state as they drop one by one like dominoes to this pagan onslaught set on bringing us back to pre-civilization standards of morality. This is unacceptable and cannot stand if we are to remain “One Nation Under God.”

James Wilson, first Supreme Court justice and father of our American jurisprudence system taught us that civil law must always be consistent with divine law. Marriage has been established by the Abrahamic law, and validated by world history, as the union of one man and one woman, period! Any deviation from that standard sets us further back toward the stone age. The lie that has been perpetrated is that same-sex marriage is a “progressive “ step forward, when the reality is that it is a major step backward, regressing toward pre-civilization hedonistic standards. Simply look at the historical record. Emperor Nero’s Rome practiced same-sex marriage. In fact, the historian Tacitus tells us that Nero had at least two husbands. I guess he didn’t like Christians telling him what God said about marriage so he turned them into human torches to light up his garden at night. Is that where we are headed? No? You don’t think so? I’ve already been called every name in the book and have had death threats on my phone simply because I believe that what God has defined no man, no judge, no government can redefine. Rome eventually outlawed same-sex marriage as it became more civilized because it became more “Christianized.” We are now going in the opposite direction!

The Church, and in fact, all common-sense Americans who care about the nation we’re leaving to our posterity must rise up or this pagan conquest that has already taken the Northeast will continue until we are no longer One Nation Under God. Ronald Reagan warned us, “If we ever cease to be one nation under God we will be one nation gone under.” Rise up O men and women of God, or we will be praying for God’s mercy!


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, and I’ll keep saying it as long as necessary, “Barak Obama is the first un-American American president.”  I’m not just name-calling.  I am providing a rational explanation for the otherwise unconscionable and irrational conduct of this administration. When I say he is un-American I mean that his values are anathema to traditional American values as illustrated by his recent conduct in these areas:

He has disdain for our military. This was demonstrated this weekend when five soldiers who gave their lives were deprived, along with their families,  of the proper military care for their homecomings and  funerals. The blame was put on the government shutdown and used to make a political statement when it could have been easily remedied by a simple executive order by a Commander-In-Chief who cared more about his troops than he did about making a political statement. This is unconscionable and un-American!

He also demonstrated a lack of support for our veterans by the closing of the World War II Memorial, while he went out of his way—according to Nancy Pelosi– to facilitate a public demonstration on the same mall for illegal immigrants! In other words, this administration favors illegal immigrants over Americans who have fought for our liberty. This is un-American.

These actions don’t surprise me, nor did it require the gift of prophecy to see it coming.  Obama is on a mission, as he said to, “fundamentally change” this nation. He is driven by a quest for “reparations,” to collect on his sense of injustices perpetrated on the world by an evil America. This is the indoctrination received by his leftist education as taught by such men as his mentor and pastor for twenty years,  Rev. Wright in his church, a school of liberation theology. There should be no surprise here.

The questions remains, however, “How will we respond to these egregious attacks on our American spirit?

The answer is twofold. We must, first of all, pray for a spiritual revival until we are once again, one nation under God, and secondly we must get politically involved to render unto Caesar what is due, that is our informed vote and participation in this government, “of the people.”

Then we need to elect an “American” American President.


It appears that Barak Obama is about to launch a “limited” strike against the Syrian regime in response to their use of chemical weapons against their own citizens. This decision was prompted by the fact that Obama declared that the use of chemical weapons would cross a “red line” that would result in serious consequences. Now his bluff is being called, and he must act or be seen as a weak ruler whose word means absolutely nothing.

In other words, he is being shamed into action. This is not exactly the best rationale for military action, nor is it a reasonable substitute for an intelligent foreign policy.

Moreover, a decision motivated by a need to protect someone’s ego could easily result in a greater fiasco than the unthinking politicians could ever imagine. A limited attack on Assad could be just enough to  provoke him to retaliate against Israel, bringing an escalation that will ignite the tinderbox of the entire Middle East. Obama could, in fact, play the role of the proverbial instigator who starts a fight then walks away. In this case the people of the Middle East will become the victims of failed U.S. foreign policy, or rather, failed random military actions in the absence of any real “foreign policy.”

To make matters worse, the public announcement that the goal is not regime change takes all the teeth out of any action that may be taken. As long as Assad believes he will be untouched, he will continue to fight and kill to maintain power.

This may very well be the beginning of that last World War. Unfortunately, our government is led by incompetent self-serving people who live in a fantasy of their own making. When reality hits all hell may break loose. Are we ready?