Local Meeting Updates

We currently have 13 people going up to Albany on Tuesday March 20th. (We just received word that J.C. Watts, former Congressman from Oklahoma has been added to the speaker’s list!)

You can still register to come, Register Today!

We had an excellent meeting on Sunday, and for those of you who missed it we saw a short video clip by retired Lt. Colonel Boykin warning us about current trends toward Marxism. You can view it here:

Local Issue: Town of Newburgh: We’re still working to put a moratorium on the building of a large strip club on Route 9W. Residents of the town are encouraged to sign a petition and get involved with the effort.

Go to: http://tinyurl.com/betternewburghpetition.



    • R Miller on March 16, 2012 at 17:13
    • Reply

    Lt. Colonel Boykin brings up some good points, I know this is only a snippet out of his talk. I wish he had given some examples/evidence to back up his assertions. I agree with him, but he is only reaching and speaking to the choir. Those on the fence or on the other side won’t even bother to listen, unfortunately.

      • Bill Banuchi on March 16, 2012 at 18:07
      • Reply

      Unfortunately, you are correct, however the more truth we can sow, the more chances we have of some of that truth finding fertile soil, genuine truth seekers. They are out there, and we must do all we can to reach them.

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