Tomorrow Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated as the 45th President of our country. Most Americans now take such an event for granted never really appreciating the miracle this event represents. In all of world history no other nation has ever changed leadership 45 times without violence, war or turmoil. The “peaceful transition of power” …
Category: General Entry
Dec 26
Looking Forward to 2017!
At the close of 2016 we can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that a progressive liberal will not be sitting in the White House after January 20th. But we dare not get too comfortable. Our salvation will never come from the man, or woman in the White House but rather from the men and …
Dec 10
Back in Action!
As you probably know our faith & Freedom Website has been inactive over the last nine months because we have been busy with our campaign to win the 104th Assembly Seat in New York. We are now back on line. We didn’t win the election but Trump did. That’s our consolation. We developed a team …
Nov 09
Oct 06
I’ve spent most of my adult life fighting to restore standards of biblical morality to our culture, echoing the sentiments of Black activist, Frederick Douglas who, speaking of biblical values said, “I feel it my duty to do all in my power to infuse this idea into the public mind, that it may speedily be …
Sep 05
It’s amazing how this summer has seen so many attacks on the Church, upon decency and upon civilization itself. Birth pangs are increasing at a rate unimaginable to generations before. Who would have thought that in America in 2015 Christians would be thrown in jail for their faith? Who would have thought that we would …