I have said before—and I have been criticized for saying it—that President Obama is the first “un-American American President.” Well, let me take that a step further. The recent release of five Taliban high level commanders is evidence that he is the first “Anti-American” American President. His actions actually give aid and comfort to the …
Category: General Entry
May 12
America’s Role in the World in light of the Boka Haram Kidnapping
Whatever happened to the America that pledged to “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” That was JFK’s inaugural speech in 1961. Today almost three hundred girls are held captive by thugs intent on destroying liberty in the world and we do …
Jan 23
Mission 2014
Considering the gravity of our time, and the message I sensed the Lord was speaking to me about His Church, I have been somewhat slow to publish what I believe to be the mission for the Church in 2014. I needed more time than usual to meditate on God’s Word and soak it in prayer as …