While we mourn the innocent lives lost at the hands of an evildoer in Uvalde Texas, I’m still hearing the cries of concerned Americans, and political opportunists, calling for answers to this murderous epidemic we have seen since Columbine in 1999. For the first time, however, I heard a political leader address the issue head-on …
Category: Blog
Apr 11
Public Schools Sexualizing our Children. What’s a Parent to Do?
New Jersey public school second graders will be getting lessons related to gender identity this fall under state sex education guidelines that will take effect in September. According to Foxnews.com. one school district already distributed sample lesson plans indicating first graders could be taught they can have “boy parts” but “feel like” a girl. We’re talking about …
Feb 26
Should We Assist Ukraine?
SHOULD WE DEFEND UKRAINE? TO WHAT EXTENT? Rev. Bill Banuchi Should we defend Ukraine? To what extent? This question has been rolling around in my mind since Russia first amassed troops at the Ukrainian border, and now, with the actual invasion, and the devastation and suffering we see on TV every day, it cries out …
Nov 08
Before I responded to the call to the ministry I was successfully developing a career in mechanical design and engineering. One might think that would be totally inconsistent with a calling based on faith. After all, isn’t faith the opposite of engineering and science? What I’ve learned over the years is that my background in …
Jan 26
NEW GOVERNING PHILOSOPHY: ”MIGHT MAKES RIGHT” Rev. Bill Banuchi Since Joe Biden assumed the office of the presidency and the Democrats took a working majority in the Senate they wasted no time displaying their new governing philosophy: “Might Makes Right.” One only has to look at the Democrats’ move to impeach Donald Trump and conduct …
Jan 19
The End of Good Faith?
Everyone is crying out for unity, but there is none. Why? It’s simple. We’ve lost our North Star, the one shining light that led us all in the same direction toward that more perfect union. It is expressed clearly in the motto, “One Nation Under God.” That is the stabilizing factor that allowed us to …