Rev. Bill Banuchi

Most commented posts

  2. HOWEVER THE COURT RULES — 7 comments
  3. THE ZIMMERMAN VERDICT — 7 comments
  4. OF DOLEZAL AND ROOF — 6 comments
  5. THE END OF EXCEPTIONALISM? — 5 comments

Author's posts

Call to Prayer for Special Election

Over the past decades our State Legislature has been comprised of an overly Progressive Democratic Assembly and a Republican Senate.  The Assembly has always attempted—and often succeeded—in pushing through ungodly legislation, while the Republican Senate has been, with some exceptions, the bulwark to kill ungodly, legislation.  In other words, the only hope in our State …

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Special Message for Every Concerned American


Cuomo’s Duplicitous Governance

Having failed to get his abortion expansion act passed by the Senate as part of his “Women’s Equality Act” several years ago, Governor Cuomo is now trying to attach this provision to the state budget. I guess he hasn’t gotten the memo that this nation is once again respecting the sanctity of life, and we …

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Spiritual State of the Union 2018

“Where the righteous rule the people rejoice; when the wicked are in power the people groan.”—Proverbs 29:2 One year ago, Donald J. Trump was inaugurated into office and took his position as the 45th President of the United States. In a previous article I explained how Trump was a type of a King Cyrus who …

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New Study: U.S. Constitution and Current Events

Having completed our year-long study on America’s Godly Heritage we’re announcing a new study for 2018: “The U.S. Constitution and Current Events.  Meetings start Friday, January 26th and will continue on the fourth Friday of each month.  For details log on to CONSTITUTION COURSE

DACA: A Case for Justice and Mercy

DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) is an issue that calls for justice and mercy. Justice demands that we honor and abide by laws duly established. Our immigration laws must be enforced. We are a nation of laws and not of men (or women). DACA was unconstitutional, and it therefore must be corrected or nullified. …

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