Rev. Bill Banuchi

Most commented posts

  2. HOWEVER THE COURT RULES — 7 comments
  3. THE ZIMMERMAN VERDICT — 7 comments
  4. OF DOLEZAL AND ROOF — 6 comments
  5. THE END OF EXCEPTIONALISM? — 5 comments

Author's posts

More Than Condolences, Mr. President

President Barak Obama’s response to the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers by Hamas was an offer of condolences and an admonishment to refrain from any actions that might “destabilize the situation.” Like Neville Chamberlain who thought he could be nice to Hitler and survive, so does President Obama think peace on earth will …

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I have said before—and I have been criticized for saying it—that President Obama is the first “un-American American President.” Well, let me take that a step further. The recent release of five Taliban high level commanders is evidence that he is the first “Anti-American” American President. His actions actually give aid and comfort to the …

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Week in D.C. for Marriage, Faith and Freedom

We came Thursday to be part of the March for Marriage then stayed for the Faith & Freedom annual Conference. We’ll share what we’ve learned at our next meeting. Don’t miss it. Put it on your calendar now – July 13th.

Next Second Sunday Meeting June 8th

Come join us to worship God, pray for our nation and hear what God is saying concerning the stewardship of our liberties. Sunday, June 8th – 7:00pm-9:00pm New Harvest Christian Church – 1230 Blooming Grive Trple (Route 94), New Windsor NY RSVP: or call (845) 597-9142

America’s Role in the World in light of the Boka Haram Kidnapping

Whatever happened to the America that pledged to “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” That was JFK’s inaugural speech in 1961. Today almost three hundred girls are held captive by thugs intent on destroying liberty in the world and we do …

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The missing Malaysian airline fiasco is a clear example of why the United States of America must never turn over any significant control to other powers, especially if we may have to rely on that body at any time in the future. It’s clear, the Malaysians are either stonewalling us, or are simply too incompetent …

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