Rev. Bill Banuchi

Most commented posts

  2. HOWEVER THE COURT RULES — 7 comments
  3. THE ZIMMERMAN VERDICT — 7 comments
  4. OF DOLEZAL AND ROOF — 6 comments
  5. THE END OF EXCEPTIONALISM? — 5 comments

Author's posts


I’ve spent most of my adult life fighting to restore standards of biblical morality to our culture, echoing the sentiments of Black activist, Frederick Douglas who, speaking of biblical values said, “I feel it my duty to do all in my power to infuse this idea into the public mind, that it may speedily be …

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It’s amazing how this summer has seen so many attacks on the Church, upon decency and upon civilization itself. Birth pangs are increasing at a rate unimaginable to generations before. Who would have thought that in America in 2015 Christians would be thrown in jail for their faith? Who would have thought that we would …

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The Answer to “Why?”

The T.V. pundits are falling over each other talking about why Vester Lee Flanagan II would murder two young news reporters while on air doing a live interview. Agenda-driven politicians are using the tragedy to advance their agendas claiming the criminal is the gun. In the murderer’s manifesto Flanagan blames the Charleston shooter Dylann Roof …

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It was interesting to see a recent poll that showed Americans viewed Donald Trump as one of the least qualified to be president, but yet they chose him above the others by a wide margin. What’s that all about? It’s about the Trump appeal. The appeal that is drawing the favor of so many Americans …

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Letter from Schumer on the Iran deal.

Dear Mr. Banuchi: Thank you for writing to express your opposition to the Iran nuclear deal. After deep study, careful thought and considerable soul-searching, I decided to oppose the agreement. I examined this deal in three parts: nuclear restrictions on Iran in the first ten years, nuclear restrictions on Iran after ten years, and non-nuclear …

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With the recent Supreme Court ruling against God’s definition of Marriage one would think the war was over–we lost. No way! In fact, it has only begun. This is not the time to retreat, but rather the time to go on the offensive. I’m convinced the only reason we have come to this point is …

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